Get To Know Famous Figures Of Muhammad bin Musa Al-Khawarizmi


Muhammad bin Musa Al-Khawarizmi is an expert in mathematics, astronomy, astrology, and geography that originated in Persia. Born around the year 780 in Khwārizm (now Khiva, Uzbekistan) and died around the year 850 in Baghdad. Nearly all his life, he worked as a lecturer in the school of honor in Baghdad.

His first book, al-Jabar, was the first book that addresses the systematic solution of linear and quadratic notation. So it is called as the father of algebra. The Latin translation of the Arithmetic figure, who introduced him to India, then introduced as the decimal Position numbering system in the Western world in the 12th century. He revised Ptolemy's Geography and adjust as well as it worked on writings on astronomy and astrology.

The contributions he does not only have a major impact on mathematics, but also in the linguistic. The word Algebra is derived from al-Jabr, one of two operations in mathematics to solve quadratic notation, which is listed in the book of him. Said algorisme and algorithms taken from the word Algorismi, a Latinization of the name her Name. She's also in absorbency in languages Spain Guarismo and in Portuguese, Algarismo meaning digit.

Little is known of her life, even the location where birth though. His name may be derived from Khwarizm (Khiva) located in the province of Khorasan during the reign of the Abbasids (now Xorazm province, Uzbekistan). The title he was Abū ' Abdu llāh.

The historian al-Tabari call him Muhammad ibn Musa al-Khwārizmī al-Majousi al-Katarbali. The term al-Qutrubbulli indicates he was from Qutrubbull, a small town near Baghdad.
Al-Khwārizmī on religion ', Toomer writes:

Sebutan lain untuk dia diberikan oleh al-Ṭabarī, "al-Majūsī," ini mengindikasikan ia adalah pengikut Zoroaster.Ini mungkin terjadi pada orang yang berasal dari Iran. Tetapi, kemudian buku Al-Jabar dia menunujukkan dia adalah seorang Muslim Ortodok,jadi sebutan Al-Tabari ditujukan pada saat ia muda, ia beragama Majusi.
 n the Kitāb al-his ' Ibn al-Nadim, we find a brief history of he, along with papers he Al-Khwārizmī, occupying almost the whole of his work between 813-833. After Islam came to Persia, Baghdad became the Centre of the science and trade, and many merchants and scientists from China and India traveled to this city, which he also conducted work in Baghdad on the school Honour established by the Abbasid Caliph Al-Ma'mun's reign, where he studied natural sciences and mathematics, including the translation of Sanskrit manuscripts and Greece.

That's the name of Al-Khwārizmī, hopefully can add to our knowledge.